Zest - The Zendesk Colour Coder

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Zest - The Zendesk Colour Coder

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Colour code Zendesk tickets to help visualize and organise your workflow. Developed by Nevin George

New (experimental) feature: Change background for internal notes!
You can now change the colour of internal notes to any colour of your choosing!

What is Zest? To put it simply, it’s an easy way to organise your Zendesk tickets!
Zest will allow you to customize your ticket view by allowing you to personally colour code your tickets. Not only by the standard priority (low-high), but by any field/category.

How do you use Zest? Simply click the icon on the top right of your chrome browser, type in the category you want coloured, choose a colour and click add. Refresh your Zendesk page to see the changes take effect.
Changing the colour of a category is easy too, just click on the colour next to the category name, change it and refresh the Zendesk page.

How does Zest work? It changes the styling of the page to add a background to each row to the colour that you choose. It does not modify the functionality of the site.

Got more questions? Feel free to contact me for any questions or concerns for yourself or for your business.

Enjoy using Zest?
Please consider leaving a rating on the extension so it can reach out to more people.
Also consider supporting me via paypal.me/NevGZCC


Brandee Winstead
Brandee Winstead

This extension no longer seems to work. Alternatively, more details should be provided for labelling the mapping as nowhere does it list required formatting.

Charity Ponton
Charity Ponton

I have been needing something like this for a while. My queue is much easier to navigate now

Jeanny Belamide
Jeanny Belamide

This is really good to use, however after the latest update on Chrome 105, it is not working anymore. Please make it work again, it is really helpful while using Zendesk for tickets.

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