Agent Helper for Zendesk

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Agent Helper for Zendesk

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Empower your customer service agents with smart sentence autocomplete

Help your customer service agents write faster than the speed of light with AI-powered sentence autocomplete. No upfront investment required. Works out of the box, no need to spend weeks training complex AI models.

Agent Helper by Swifteq boosts the productivity of customer service teams by suggesting sentence completions that are relevant and personalized to each conversation.

Benefits to your team:
➤ Reduce repetitive typing while keeping a consistent tone, matching your brand style
➤ Boost agents productivity and reduce average handling times
➤ Works whether your team is using macros or not
➤ Increase support capacity and improve customer satisfaction

How it works:
Swifteq is leveraging Artificial Intelligence and unsupervised deep learning to automatically detect message-reply patterns in your historical helpdesk conversations. These patterns are then used to make sentence autocomplete suggestions to customer service agents based on what the customers are actually saying.

Getting started:
Enjoy free 14-day trial to evaluate Agent helper's value for your team.
Setup takes up to 5 minutes for the user: install, register, wait for the AI model to be built, and use!

Email us at [email protected] for more information.