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Sort Amazon products by $/unit value. Make comparison shopping faster and easier by finding the best value for your money!

Unlock Smarter Shopping with SmartSortr: The Ultimate Comparison Shopping Tool for

Quick, which item is the best deal?
$15.99 for 11.8oz
$29.75 for 1.5lbs
$21.50 for 500g
Put your calculator away and install SmartSortr today!

Welcome to a new era of savvy shopping with SmartSortr – your go-to Chrome extension for intelligent Amazon comparison shopping. We understand that every dollar counts, and that's why we've created a tool that does the heavy lifting in finding the best value for you.

Why Choose SmartSortr?

Maximize Savings: SmartSortr meticulously compares products by their value per unit, ensuring you get the most bang for your buck. No more guesswork or calculators – get straightforward, easy-to-understand comparisons at a glance.

Effortless Comparison Shopping: Shopping online can be overwhelming with countless options and mixed-up units hidden in small text. SmartSortr simplifies this process. It automatically converts units of all types, so you don't have to compare ounces to pounds to grams. Our tool scans your Amazon search results, automatically identifying products and breaking down their cost per unit. Whether it's weight, volume, or length, SmartSortr makes sense of it all.

Value-Focused Shopping Experience: We believe in the power of informed decisions. SmartSortr empowers you to shop based on value, not just price. See beyond flashy deals and inconsistent product listings to understand the real cost of products.

Smart unit conversions: SmartSortr understands products sold by weight, volume, length, area, unit count, and more. Let us do the conversions so you are truly comparing apples to apples!

Time-Saving and Convenient: Save time and avoid the hassle of manual comparisons. With SmartSortr, you get instant insights right on your browser. It's the perfect companion for quick and efficient online shopping sprees.

Install SmartSortr Today!

Transform your shopping experience with SmartSortr and join a growing community of smart shoppers who prioritize value and savings. Say goodbye to overpaying and hello to the smarter way to shop Amazon. Install SmartSortr now and start making informed, value-driven shopping decisions every time you click 'add to cart'.

SmartSortr does not collect any information about you or your activity. We do not and will never collect or sell your information. SmartSortr is supported by Amazon affiliate links.