EuroSaver - Amazon Product Price Comparison

#4.47 / 79 rate

EuroSaver - Amazon Product Price Comparison

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Simplifies Amazon product price comparison between all supported european Amazon stores.

We simplify product price comparison on Amazon!

🇪🇺 All European Amazon Stores
Automatically search all european Amazon stores with EuroSaver for the best prices. This saves you time and money!

💵 Currency Conversion
Foreign currencies are immediately converted into your store currency. So you always know how much you end up paying.

🚛 Shipping Costs
EuroSaver also shows you possible shipping costs so that you can be sure to choose the best price.

✨ Customizable
You decide how EuroSaver integrates, whether you want a popup accessible via the menu bar, a price table directly on the website or choose which stores you want to search in the first place.

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✅ Your Savings Experience
Due to the different pricing and availability of these formats in different shops, our extension may display incorrect prices for these product types. We are aware of this issue and are working to improve our algorithms to provide more accurate pricing information for all product types.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience and understanding while we work to improve our extension. If you have any problems or would like to give us feedback, please don't hesitate to contact us.