Sort By Reviews for Amazon

#4.68 / 19 rate

Sort By Reviews for Amazon

2,000 users


Sort By Reviews for Am...


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Sort By Reviews for Amazon allows users to easily and quickly sort Amazon search results by most reviewed.

⭐ Leave a Review!
If you like the extension, leave us a review! (Hopefully 5 star!). If you don't like the extension or it doesn't work, drop us an email and we'll try and resolve the problem!

ℹ️ How do you use the extension?
1️⃣ Search for a product on Amazon
2️⃣ Choose a department
3️⃣ Click on "Sort by Reviews" (Or Press Alt + S)
4️⃣ Enjoy!

🆓 This extension will always be free! If you want to say thanks and buy me a drink 🍻 then feel free to donate! 🙏

🚀 Features
⭐️ An easy to use 1 click solution to be able to sort by review count.
⭐️ Global compatibility with all known Amazon stores! Be that,, etc
⭐️ Multi-browser compatibility, works with all Chromium based browsers!
⭐️ Ability to show the user that they need to choose a department before being able to sort.
⭐️ Ability to show the user when the search results are already sorted.
⭐️ Easy to use hotkey to view the extensions instructions, simply navigate to Amazon and press ALT + A (A as in Amazon)
⭐️ Easy to use hotkey to sort the product search results, simply navigate to Amazon and press ALT + S (S as in Sort)

📝 Changelog
➤ 1.0
- ➤ The ability to sort by review count

➤ 1.1
- ➤ Prevented sorting pages that cannot be sorted to avoid confusion. (An Amazon restriction)
- ➤ Added tooltips to help users see why the sort button is disabled
- ➤ Added the ability for users to left click the pinned extension to see instructions with screenshots on how to use the extension.
- ➤ Added a donation button inside the instructions popup and as a context menu option when right clicking in an Amazon website.

➤ 1.2
- ➤ Prevented already sorted pages from being sorted again to avoid confusion.
- ➤ Added tooltips to help users see why the sort button is disabled because the page is already sorted.
- ➤ Improved the speed in which the sort functionality becomes available.
- ➤ Added the hotkey of Alt + A, so when you are on Amazon you can simply press the hotkey to see the instructions.
- ➤ Added the hotkey of Alt + S, so when you are on Amazon you can simply press the hotkey to sort by reviews.

➤ 1.3
- ➤ Updated the name of the extension to "Sort by Reviews for Amazon" for consistency and simplicity.

➤ 1.4
- ➤ Added support for India, Egypt, European Union and Czech Republic
- ➤ Improved support for Saudi Arabia & Singapore

🔏 Your privacy
We respect our users privacy, this extension does not in any way, shape or forms track, collect, sell or do anything with your personal data, the extension has no connection to any website, service or server.

🔏 Legal
"Sort By Reviews for Amazon" is not affiliated, partnered with, endorsed by, or connected to Amazon or its partners in any way, shape, or form. This extension is simply a user made quality of life improvement to help other users find the most reviewed products that they're searching for.