Sort By Reviews for Amazon and Flipkart

#5 / 4 rate

Sort By Reviews for Amazon and Flipkart

134 users


Kuldeep Bishnoi


Extension Information

5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star

Supported Languages



Sort By Reviews for Amazon and Flipkart allows users to sort Amazon (and Flipkart) search results by most reviewed products

Sort By Reviews for Amazon and Flipkart allows users to easily and quickly sort Amazon (or Flipkart) search results by most reviewed products.

⭐ Leave a Comment!
If you like the extension, leave us a review! (Hopefully 5 star!). If you don't like the extension or it doesn't work, drop us an email and we'll try and resolve the problem!

ℹ️ How do you use the extension?
1️⃣ Search for a product on Amazon (or Flipkart)
3️⃣ Click on "Sort by Rating Count" on Amazon (and "Rating Count" on
4️⃣ Enjoy!

🆓 This extension will always be free!🙏

🚀 Features
⭐️ An easy to use 1 click solution to be able to sort by review count.
⭐️ Global compatibility with all known Amazon stores! Be that,, etc

🔏 Your privacy
We respect our users privacy, this extension does not in any way, shape or forms track, collect, sell or do anything with your personal data, the extension has no connection to any website, service or server.

🔏 Legal
"Sort By Reviews for Amazon and Flipkart" is not affiliated, partnered with, endorsed by, or connected to Amazon or its partners in any way, shape, or form. This extension is simply a user made quality of life improvement to help other users find the most reviewed products that they're searching for.