Amazon Unsponsor

#3.62 / 13 rate

Amazon Unsponsor

1,000 users


Daniel Albers

Extension Information

5 star
4 star
3 star
2 star
1 star

Supported Languages



Hide or highlight Amazon sponsored items

Search results on Amazon often include sponsored items with low relevance. This addon shades the background of these items or alternatively removes them altogether.


Alex Eutsler
Alex Eutsler

only highlights sponsored products, does not remove them. This defeats the purpose of having this extension in the first place

Jelou Rosario
Jelou Rosario

A few sponsored items remain. Given that nearly all of the sponsored items have been removed, I'll give it 4 stars and a thumbs up.

Jac Chambers
Jac Chambers

Fantastic! Works just like I wanted it to. If you want it to remove the sponsors instead of highlight them, just click the extensions puzzle piece at the top right, click the three dots next to the extension name (Amazon Unsponsor), and click options. A pop-up should show up for you to select either "Colorize" (to highlight the sponsors in a dark gray) or "Remove" (to remove the sponsors altogether).

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