This extension allows you to export to a CSV file your Holdings, Dividends, and Orders.
You can export Dividends and Orders to a…
This extension allows you to export to a CSV file your Holdings, Dividends, and Orders.
You can export Dividends and Orders to a CSV for a specific time period by selecting a start date and end date. Now you can also display graph of Dividends and Orders for a specific time period.
Please check video for details:
Note: Please make sure you are in the holdings page and you can see all the holdings that you want to export. Only visible holdings in the investment section will be exported.
Feel free to report any issues or feature requests.
Whats New:
- chore: Reordering CSV holdings output columns (symbol, quantity, price,...)
- fix: negative returns were returning as positive
- fix: Values above "1,000" weren't being parsed correctly and it was affecting quantity and price values.
- Export Holdings, Dividends and Orders to a CSV file for a specific time period.
- Display graph of Dividends, Holdings and Orders(Buy/Sell) for a specific time period.
- Title's graph show the total aggregated values for Orders, Dividends and Holdings.
- A discord channel is provided in the extension to report any issues or feature requests.
How it works:
Holdings are extracted from web page and Dividends and Orders by making an API call.
Last Update:
- Support new trading212 website
- Fix holdings export to a csv