Property Log

#3.34 / 122 rate

Property Log

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View price changes on properties listed on Rightmove.

By using the Property Log Google Chrome Extension you're able to see a list of historic price changes for properties listed on the Rightmove website. Thousands of properties are reduced in price every single day on Rightmove, we track these changes so other users can see the historical prices.

Use the extension to your advantage when buying or selling a property. Historic price change information can show the current state of the housing market in the property's area and can be used to your benefit when putting in an offer.

Please note: Heavy users of the extension will be asked to subscribe to the service after 6 weeks of use. We have a very generous free usage allowance meaning that for the majority of users the service is free. If the system identifies you as a heavy user then the subscription is just £2.99 a month and you can cancel at anytime.


James K
James K

The free version of this extension is incredible, and the unrestricted £2.99/month subscription helped us negotiate £25,000 off the price of our new home. It helped us understand the price trends in the area we were looking to move to and see that based on trends in other homes, the one we wanted was vastly overpriced and the sellers were hoping for us to be naïve. Our home had been reduced once, but not enough to match the trend we'd seen, and very likely would be on the market for another 3-6 months before being reduced again (in which time we would likely lose it to another buyer). We explained this to the seller and negotiated £25k off which brought it down to match local trends without the new price going public. Without being able to demonstrate this knowledge, we probably would have had to pay at least another £15,000 or more for this property. I don't see why others have reviewed this poorly when the cost is a few pounds per month but what it can help you save is thousands.

Henal Madhvani
Henal Madhvani

While this app WAS Good years ago, I now feel its a waste of having it, since 99% of the time the prices are blurred and they want you to pay £2.99 per month for this. Their website states its free to a certain point, but this is only to make people download this and then suck them in to paying hoping people will forget that they are paying for it. The property log prices are always blurred. so its actually useless having it. Don't waste your time and download this, they are plenty of other FREE chrome extensions that are significantly better. Sometimes the creators get greedy and forget their purpose.

Lee Murphy
Lee Murphy

Shocking 2.99 a month for readily available information, will use other extensions for free

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