Gmail - Reply at the TOP

#3.45 / 101 rate

Gmail - Reply at the TOP

40,000 users


Dheeraj Malik

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Move the reply/compose box to the top of conversation thread. Allows you to refer the latest response as you compose the reply.

If you are frustrated of scrolling up and down while composing your email replies in Gmail, THIS IS THE EXTENSION YOU NEED!

This will move the reply/compose box from the bottom of the page to the top of the page. You can now see the latest email in the thread as you type, without have to scroll up and down. This is especially loved by Outlook users who are used to the reverse chronological view.

I developed this after I could not find any solution. After using it for a while, I have noticed a significant boost in email productivity ... no more scrolling for those long conversation threads!

NOTE: Refresh/reopen the Gmail tab for the extension to start working.


Lydia Andrews
Lydia Andrews

I've had this on my email since my company went to Gsuite, then all of a sudden it stopped working. I could previously remove and readd the extension and it would work. Now it does not work at all. :-( Please fix. This is a very useful extension when it works. Thanks!

Cheri Adams
Cheri Adams

This works great, and then it suddenly stops working. Like others, how do I get the extension to work continuously without having to remove it, close mail and then re-add?

Gretchen Cherington
Gretchen Cherington

I used this once after adding the extension but as soon as I refreshed Gmail, it wasn't there anymore. This just seems ridiculous to not have the option of putting one's response at the top as in MS Outlook. How do I get the extension to stick?

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