A lite and easy-to-use addon that adjusts the screen color to match the environment!
Works, but with some annoying bugs that require extra setup to circumvent. It seems like this extension filters over individual web elements rather than a whole screen at once, which leads to a visibility bug where some elements lose the filter when the mouse enters/leaves the element zone. Enabling hardware acceleration fixes this issue, but causes a major issue when watching streamed videos on YouTube or Twitch. Video streams will intermittently pause for an entire second. I recommend enabling hardware acceleration and whitelisting all video streaming sites if you want to use this extension.
Quite useful for what I wanted. I'm looking for an extension to view each colour channel separately and this extension does this but with a minor irritation... Why does setting the colour sliders to zero flip their value to 255, and setting the opacity slider to zero flip its value to 30%? This just means that if I want to set a colour to minimum I have to avoid setting it to zero. I'll keep it installed until I find something better for my purposes.
Doesn't work
Michael Smith
Tushar Vaghela