Color Changer

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Color Changer

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Change a page's text, background, and link colors to your liking.

Some sites have good information, but don't always choose the best colors for text, background, and links. With this extension, you can change a page's colors to make it more readable.

This extension isn't meant to be used as a global theme for the web and will not work well on all sites. In cases where it doesn't work, you could try creating a custom theme for that site with the Stylish extension.

How to use:
When you first install the extension, please refresh any tabs you have open so that the CSS styles from the extension are loaded on the page.

1. Click the Text, Background, or Link Color button. A border will appear around the button letting you know it's active.
2. Choose a color on the color wheel to change the color. You can see your changes live.
3. Now whenever you want to change the colors on a page, just click Change Colors. You can also change colors via a right-click context menu.

The extension will remember hosts where you changed colors so you don't have to click it again.

The Reset button at the bottom will reset the extension to default settings and resets all pages that were changed.

About the color wheel:
Colors are less saturated (more gray) near the center and more saturated (less gray) on the edge. There is a separate swatch that says "Gray", meaning 100% gray.

This extension doesn't use Google Analytics.

Please report any bugs to:
[email protected]

To view code:


Diego Calvo
Diego Calvo

Necesitaba cambiar el color de font de un sitio y funcionó excelente. Gracias!

Continental Nobleman
Continental Nobleman

To write B for be, R for are, U for you, 2 for to, 4 for four, etc. takes much more time, You always have to remember.


Had problems with this B 4 but working now =) Would B nice if it had a regular color gradient 4 selecting things rather than a big 'preset samples' wheel (or option 2 select either, depending on if somebody wants those 'suggestions' or total 'RGB Control' 2 enter their favorite RGB numbers &/or punch locations on a 'color map' gradient square =) Part of the problem of this 'wheel bubble buttons' thing is it makes it hard 2 save the values 2 apply elsewhere, as we need 2 literally take a screen shot 2 show the location of the 'button' 2 apply it 2 other browsers & 'applications' because no 'numbers' R shown 4 the values within this plugin, & no way 2 enter the value numbers if we use a 'color picker' app 2 find out what the 'number name' of that color actually is = but again, no way 2 enter those numbers in this extension (yet) =P

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