Better Text View

#4.33 / 6 rate

Better Text View

499 users


sssss wwwww

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Makes webpage text larger and readable.

This extension is helpful for people who require reading glasses / spectacles due to far-sight / hyperopia / presbyopia or age-related far sight condition of eyes and, to some extent, colorblindness.

The text size is increased inversely with its size. This means small sized text is made much bigger than larger text, which is slightly increased in size. All text within size of Threshold setting is increased in size with text closer to Font Threshold size increasing less than text much lower size than Threshold, depending of Font Increase % setting. Text size of ANY TEXT IS NOT DECREASED to less than its normal size. Smaller text becomes as large as (or larger than) text of Threshold size.


"Start 3 bold" option now has variable '--g_start3_caps' which, when enabled, makes start 3 letters CAPITAL and bold.
Text is now READ OUT LOUD by speakers through Text-To-Speech engine when a page element having text is zoomed. The language of speaking is set by webpage language.
Bugfix for zoom with Numlock-on to prevent zooming on parent / child elements if an element is already zoomed.
"Avoid colored text" option works correctly with reverse colors. The amount of colorfulness is specified by '--g_min_colorfulness' below which text can be made high contrast. A value of 256 / 300 will make all text high contrast, depending on strength slider.
Copy/Paste icons on popup menu to copy settings of one site and paste the settings to another site.
Bugfix for skipping color change of specified classes / ids in reverse colors hue correction.
New option 'Process gradient colors' to enable / disable processing of background gradient colors in hue correction to keep original color pattern.
When "Force max opacity" is enabled, semi-transparent text can now be hue corrected.
Background color gradients are displayed as original in reverse colors with hue correction.
Keep text color same as original for short text with colorful backgrounds in reverse colors hue correction, which is enabled by setting --g_keep_colors to true or 1 (one).
New option 'Process black text', which is false by default, that allows processing black text when enabled or skip black colored text if disabled.
Bugfix for not saving settings on All Settings page.
Remove a totally wrong background color calculation, and a hardcoded value 230 in comparing brightness of text with Strength slider at zero. Now it has the variable --g_bg_threshold_new_default, which has value of 230 unless changed in Custom / Global CSS rule.
Speedup processing by skipping elements without text.
Settings page is now a full page containing 3 columns about settings, variables and import/export of settings to/from files.
New variable "--g_svg_bg_white" which set to true, will make background of SVG images white in reverse colors.
Fixed bug with negative strength values not working as expected.
Child elements of shadow root are processed similar to HTML elements.
Variables to allow skipping classes/tags/ids of elements from being reverse colored.
Multiple color variables separated by comma in stylesheets are now processed correctly. A new variable "g_max_css_rules" sets the maximum CSS rules count. If style sheet exceeds that, it is not processed. Default value is 1000.
Background color is preserved in reverse colors if the colorfulness is more than "--g_min_colorfulness" value (default: 41)
Variable to skip black text color, which was always true previously, can be set to false.
Adding "#full_url" to URL in Address box will store the settings with the full URL of the page so settings of special pages can be changed by adding "#full_url" to the Address box URL.
Variable '--g_max_child' which sets maximum child elements a node should have to set its line height.
CSS Variables '--g_zoom_keycode' for setting 'Zoom' key and '--g_avoid_negative' that avoids flicker of "negative" images in reverse colors.
Variable "--g_foot_re" in either custom CSS or global CSS rules will make footer areas of website colors as normal in reverse colors.
Zoom value (and the keycode assigned to it) can be given in custom CSS rules. as following : html { --g_zoom: 5.0; --g_zoom_keycode: 17; } which sets the zoom value of 500% (not possible by Strength slider) and the 'Control' keycode (17) to press (along with Numlock enabled).
Setting Strength to -300 (minus 300) skips doing high contrast text changes totally, resulting in faster processing.
Rest of changes described in Help.



R. G.
R. G.

Very useful app. Take time to read the author's "how to use" as the interface is clear but not as simple as the standard fare out there. The "apply css for custom site" is really useful for sites with styling embedded in various selector classes, so you can avoid a global change. With that said, its too geeky for most people as you will have to inspect the element to get the css class or ID and then apply it. It does work, however. Perhaps a text color slider for global change in the future? Thank you.

Eddie Ortiz
Eddie Ortiz

Good extension. Do not affect photos or video. Google has an extension, HIgh Contrast, but the video and photo was affected. This not. I recommended.

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