Text Zoom to increase font sizes

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Text Zoom to increase font sizes

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Extension for modifying the font size without changing the page width - with inText Zoom-Widget and shortcuts for faster access

You don´t want to lose your eyesight while reading texts online?

⚠️ Rest your eyes! Increase poorly legible texts on websites with Text-Zoom.

⚙️ These are the core functions of Text-Zoom:
✅ Adjusting font size to your needs
✅ Widget with a slider, that can be blend in and out on the left side of the screen, to quickly increase and decrease the font size with the mouse
✅ Remembering your favorite settings for each domain
✅ Turning on and off for each domain
✅ Shortcuts with ALT (for Mac-Users the option-key)
▶︎ ALT+ to increase
▶ ALT- to decrease
▶ ALT0 for RESET

🎯 target group
★ Surfers who want to save their eyes: all online users, that want to increase texts to read more easily to protect their eyes
★ Heavy Readers: no long rows of texts on large that can be exhausting (e.g. like increasing font size with the shortcut STRG+)

⚠️ Remark
As many other extensions, our chrome extension needs access to the website in order to blend in the ZOOM slider widget and such that the software can increase the font size. We at abilitools see ourselves as supporters of digital accessibility. Thus we guarantee that no data is retrieved

🐵 Your abilitools team


Bree Vwhyman
Bree Vwhyman

Hello Developer Abili, Your Font size TEXT Extension is very very useful...... i thank you for your free extension. Your extension helps me to read TEXT on any web page. Thankyou Ben.


I just installed this, and I find it very useful. I have the following suggestions to further improve user experience: (i) Ability to open the minimized widget by merely pointing the cursor at it, instead of the need to click on it; (ii) Ability to zoom in/out using the mouse scroll button, instead of the need to click followed by drag and drop (to move the slider)


I disabled the on screen display on the left side and now I can't figure out how to turn it back on - help!

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