OpenLink YouID

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OpenLink YouID

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OpenLink Software

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YouID selector.

A tool for generating verifiable credentials, tokenized in a digital certificate, from a wide variety of profile data sources that includes:

[1] Any HTML document over which you have read-write privileges -- this includes profile pages from Github, Twitter, Linktree, Instagram, Quora, and many others

[2] Profile Knowledge Graphs deployed as structured data islands embedded in HTML

[3] Pure RDF documents (Turtle, JSON-LD, RDF-XML, others)

[4] Bitcoin or Ethereum Blockchains -- without incurring an gas, proof-of-work, or proof-of-stake related fees

Following installation, you will be able to take advantage of the following benefits:

[1] Generate verifiable credentials (digital certificates and their associated private keys) directly from you browser to a secure file.

[2] Enjoy self-sovereign identity authenticity that scales to both the Internet & Web e.g., sending digitally-signed emails that verify your identity to mail recipients

[3] Leverage existing Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and emerging Decentralized Public Key Infrastructure (DPKI) for both password-less authentication and self-sovereign identity authenticity, courtesy of hyperlink-based identifiers (WebIDs and NetIDs) used in conjunction with broadly used protocols such as OpenID-Connect + OAuth 2.0 and/or TLS (including HTTPS).