OpenLink Structured Data Editor

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OpenLink Structured Data Editor

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OpenLink Software

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RDF Editor

OSDE, the OpenLink Structured Data Editor, is a local-browser-based tool for creating and editing structured data using RDF Language sentences/statements. Supports direct content input and output of RDF-Turtle, RDF-NTriples, and JSON-LD.

OSDE enables creation and editing of data using abstract { subject → predicate → object } or { entity → attribute → value } notation. Once constructed, data can be saved to local or remote storage as RDF-Turtle documents. Full document access requires that remote HTTP-accessible servers support at least one of the following open standards:

• Linked Data Platform (LDP)
• WebDAV
• SPARQL 1.1 Update
• SPARQL Graph Protocol

Data stored as RDF-Turtle documents can be further transformed to other formats (JSON-LD, CSV, OData, Microdata, RDF/XML, RDF/JSON, etc.) using a variety of transformation tools and services.

v1.1.3, 2017-11-21

• Fix — Copy and Paste of RDF-Turtle or JSON-LD via “Direct Input” feature
• Add — Load Turtle or JSON-LD documents from Filesystem
• Add — Default WebID may be set via interaction with YouID extension, if also present — this sets the identity used for “Save” and “Save As” operations