YouTube Word Searcher

#4.62 / 13 rate

YouTube Word Searcher

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An extension for searching for words in YouTube videos

This extension can help you search for words in YouTube videos and jump directly to the respective timestamp in the video.

A button will appear above YouTube videos, and if you click it, you will get access to a search input.

There is an autosearch feature that enables you to set words to be searched on every page, which if found will trigger the extension to notify you (by changing the YWS button to green).

New in version 2.0: Non english videos are now supported.


Dilka Hansinie
Dilka Hansinie

no name
no name

"YCS - YouTube Comment Search", an once amazing extension, stopped working & being updated so I needed a substitute, and this one serves as a good one for the transcripts/captions side of things for now. It's only problem so far is prioritization. If you are watching a video that has both closed captions provided by the video uploader AND auto-generated closed captions, it will ONLY search the close captions provided by the video uploader and NOT the auto-generated ones. This can present a problem if the closed captions provided by the uploader has errors or different words from the auto-generated. In this example, the official Closed Captions by the uploader fails to subtitle 4:34 - 4:53. Therefore, if you were to search the word "wrong", it will not show up at all in the search, even though the auto-generated closed captions has it. Be mindful when using searches!

Pedro Fim
Pedro Fim

Awesome! Easy to download, install and use. Supports videos in portuguese. Very helpful to search specific discussions on parliament sessions

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