Mark My Search

#4.29 / 14 rate

Mark My Search

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Highlight searched keywords. Find matches instantly.

Mark My Search is a complete word finder for anything you search online. Powerful highlighting and advanced features combine with a friendly, intuitive interface to provide effortless text finding without the compromise. Vibrant highlight colors look great on any page, complemented by scroll markers for locating matches and a keyword edit bar which stays until you're done. Shortcuts are available for every action while varied options let you personalise to your taste.

Search for anything, on any search engine - DuckDuckGo, Google, Bing, even Reddit - and Mark My Search will pick out the words you're looking for, in that page and through any links you follow. Highlighting happens without having to press a button! Activate on any page using Alt+M or the context menu.

Mark My Search is Free and Open Source on GitHub(1). See the Roadmap(2) for planned improvements!


⎻⎻⎻⎻ Features & Productivity ⎻⎻⎻⎻

Main Features:
• Enter keywords to find in the page
• Create and automate keyword lists in the popup
• Search query highlighting on any search engine
• Compact toolbar to view and edit the query
• Popup and settings menu for configuration
• Rapid scrolling to matches
• Keyword scrollbar markers
• Completely operable by mouse or keyboard
• Specific websites can be filtered

Matching Options:
• Case sensitivity
• Whole words only
• Word stemming (match all word forms)
• Diacritics sensitivity (match accents)
• Regular expression

Current Limitations:
• Sites may reorder text containing highlights; a workaround is available in settings
• Word stemming can result in unexpected matches

⎻⎻⎻⎻ Accessibility ⎻⎻⎻⎻

To turn off visibility for automatic highlighting, simply open the options page at chrome://extensions > Mark My Search [Details] > [Extension options] and disable both visibility settings. The highlights will be hidden, while the toolbar and scroll markers remain visible, ready to be shown at a moment's notice. This does not apply to manually activated highlighting.

To turn off automatic highlighting completely, click the extension's icon to open the popup, and disable "Detect search engines".

You may wish to press the top-right puzzle piece (Extensions) and 'pin' the Mark My Search icon, so that you can easily click it to open the popup.

To assign more shortcuts, visit chrome://extensions/shortcuts


Ed Ryan
Ed Ryan

Hi, Just downloaded this extension. Highlighting and colour system ideal. From historical posts I see there have been different versions. I would be giving this a 5 star if I could bracket multiple words in one colour (for similarity). Example: 'One, Two, Three' ...all in one colour and 'Water, Fire, Earth' again in the same 'group colour'? I was hoping to use the same keywords in this fashion on multiple documents. Therefore is there anyway (maybe on my own separate spreadsheet) I could copy/paste words into the search over a period of time? Is this possible? I already tried using _ , and just a space to no avail. Great work though! TY Update! Excellent feedback from the developer, his assistance below has given me EXACTLY what I wanted/needed for my project. Thank you!! FIVE STAR UPGRADE

Thomas Marley
Thomas Marley

Reddit, and sites with text within a box that is highlighted while hovering. I reinstalled it and now it just happens the first selection for every color sepratly. i tried classic highlighting as well.

Good Morning
Good Morning

This extension allows you to search for occurrences of words/phrases in search results or within ANY website. It's the only extension I found on here that can do it without errors/bugs. Thank you SO MUCH for making this and keeping it free! I needed sometime like this so bad :D

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