YouTube Sort Subscriptions

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YouTube Sort Subscriptions

231 users


Nathan Lichtlé

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Sort YouTube video subscriptions by interest.

Do you have tons of YouTube subscriptions and sometimes miss video releases from channels you usually watch? This lightweight extension will sort your YouTube subscription videos by interest.

It will reorder items in the "Today" section in your YouTube subscriptions page ( The extension does not add, remove or change any content except from re-ordering the videos. Videos with equal interest will be left ordered by release date.

Interest is defined as number of videos viewed from a channel, so videos from channel you've watched the most will appear first in the subscriptions page. However, the extension does not use the watch history so it will only start counting from the moment it is installed. As such, it will not have a lot of impact and should be left in the background for some time before seeing its effects.

Clicking on the extension icon will display the number of videos viewed from each channel, giving you an overview of which channels you watch the most (including channels you may not be subscribed to). Each channel count can be reset to 0 by clicking on the cross on its left.

The extension does not collect, transmit or share any information, personal or otherwise, nor uses any third-party analytics or advertising frameworks.

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