400 users
Simple and Tiny Utilit...
Filters such as Live, Streamed, Video, and Keyword search can be added to Subscriptions, Playlists, and other YouTube pages.
This is amazing, thank you for making it! A small feature request: please allow to save or auto-input a "default" string of text in the "Subscription Feed Filter" window so it loads the page and pre-applies automatically. Example: you open your youtube subscription feed, and there is already a "-news -reacts -randomwordexample" filter applied and loaded. A small issue feedback: when you hover a video, youtube shows a sample or it as a preview, and this marks the video as "watched" and removes it from the "unwatched" category, even though you didn't watch it. Suggested solution: either please flag the video as watched upon opening it, or make the "watched" threshold requirements softer, i.e. having more than 30% of the video's progress bar full marks it as watched, or ideally let the user decide the percentage cap.
Man, thank you for your app! It's exactly what I need: filter by video/shorts/streams and watched/unwatched. It even has default settings! Finally, I can save my brain from YouTube's recommendation algorithm and become productive again. P.S. I use this extension in combination with another one, that redirects YouTube automatically to Subscriptions page. Highly recommend such combination.
Simple and Tiny Utilities
Mikhail Andrenkov
Geek Overdrive Studio