Censor Words

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Censor Words

49 users


Buzen Technologies


Extension Information

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Automatically censor specified words or phrases on any web page.

Censor Words - Keep Your Browsing Family-Friendly

Censor Words is a simple yet powerful Chrome extension designed to help you filter out unwanted or offensive language while you browse the web. Whether you want to create a safer online experience for yourself, your children, or anyone sharing your device, this extension provides an easy way to maintain a clean and respectful browsing environment.

Key Features:

Automatic Word Filtering: Automatically replaces a predefined list of profane or offensive words with alternatives of your choice.
Custom Censorship: Add your own words or phrases to the censor list and decide how they should be replaced.
Flexible Settings: Enable or disable censorship with a single click. Customize your censorship preferences from the settings page.
Censorship Toggle: Easily turn the censorship on or off depending on your needs.

How to Use:

Install the extension and click on the toolbar icon to access the settings.
Customize your list of censored words and choose replacement words or phrases.
Enable or disable censorship as needed.
Enjoy a cleaner, safer browsing experience.

Keep your web experience as clean as you want it to be with Censor Words. Whether you're at home, work, or on the go, you have control over the content you see.