Word Counter - counts what you type

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Word Counter - counts what you type

2,000 users



Extension Information

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Shows a count of words and characters when you type in a text box on a website

Shows a count of words and characters as you type.

Or select some text on a webpage to see the count of words, characters and estimated reading time.

Or tap on the extension button to open a window to write in. (Supports markdown formatting too!)

*Doesn't count in password or number input fields.


Update 13 Feb 2020:

New: App window to write longer text, with word count, word limits, markdown support, and more...

Update 27 Dec 2019:

New: Show estimated reading time for text. Reading time is calculated based on a reading speed of 200 words per minute.

Update 13 Nov 2018:

1. Removed permission for reading clipboard. Planned feature has been cancelled, so don't need this permission anymore.
2. Made word count non-selectable, so it doesn't get included when doing select all (Ctrl/Cmd + A) on a webpage.


Privacy Policy: https://c306.net/apps/privacy/word-counter/


Thành Trần Minh
Thành Trần Minh

có đếm gì đâu, phải chi tô phần cần đếm rồi nháy chuột phải, nháy vào this extension, rồi hiện ra số từ. Còn đằng này mình copy rồi bật lên rồi dán vào, mà không hiện ra

Dr.Ne0Gen3tic (Forensic Buro of Quantum)
Dr.Ne0Gen3tic (Forensic Buro of Quantum)

This "Word Counter" is really, the best! While you mark sentences and words, word by word, the characters are displayed in the bottom right in a small "mini pop-up window"! The only one here in the store that offers and solves this so beautifully and elegantly with dark mode! This form is the best and so I have been looking for this really long! But I use this one already now a year about! Can I really only recommend, is also very accurate! For translators with character limits, this is really a blessing, because you can translate so much more efficiently! Thank you, for this little gem of browser extension! Dieser „Wortzähler“ ist wirklich der Beste! Während man Sätze und Wörter Wort für Wort markiert, werden die Zeichen unten rechts in einem kleinen „Mini-Popup-Fenster“ angezeigt! Der einzige hier im Shop, der das so schön und elegant im Dark Mode anbietet und löst! Dieser Modus ist der Beste und deshalb habe ich wirklich lange danach gesucht! Aber ich benutze ihn jetzt seit etwa einem Jahr! Ich kann ihn wirklich nur empfehlen, er ist auch sehr genau! Für Übersetzer mit Zeichenbegrenzung ist es wirklich ein Segen, weil man so viel effizienter übersetzen kann! Vielen Dank für dieses kleine Juwel einer Browser-Erweiterung!

Юрій Гец
Юрій Гец

Не считает русские или украинские слова и считает пробелы как символы.

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