Text to Speech (TTS)

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Text to Speech (TTS)

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A text to speech tool with natural sounding voices.

Text to Speech (TTS) is a text-to-speech extension with natural sounding voices by using HTML5 TTS APIs.

You can use this extension in a standalone interface or within web pages. If you press the toolbar button the first interface opens up where you can enter a desired text for TTS. On the other hand, within a webpage, once you select a text, a placeholder speaker icon appears. Once you click the speaker icon, the text-to-speech starts. For the highlight feature to work correctly, please select text paragraph-by-paragraph. Please note that the highlight feature is still in Beta and may not work properly on all websites. There are also a few options related to the in-page text-to-speech which can be adjusted from the extension settings page.

To report Bugs, please visit the addon's homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.com/text-to-speech.html) and fill out the bug report form.