Text to speech that brings productivity

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Text to speech that brings productivity

40,000 users




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Intelligent Speaker: smart reader, runs on leading tts engine. Convert files, blog posts & more to speech. Listen on any device

Intelligent Speaker: advanced text to speech reader with a human-like voice. Ultimate language and voice choice. Supports web pages, documents and pdfs. Listen to your content from any device.

Today it is one of the best text to speech extensions running on leading tts engine. Enable the world of listening to the content you love and boost your productivity today!

Intelligent Speaker is available for Google Chrome, Firefox, Android and iOS which means you can listen to your texts on smartphones and tablets, any device with RSS reader.

Features to enhance your productivity and conquer any text:

- Available offline
- Supports txt. doc. and pdf.
- Human-like voice
- Supports Google Docs
- Speed choice
- Support different languages and voices
- Breathing for some voices
- File upload
- Podcasts
- Search for text in list of texts
- Download Audio
- Delete Audio

Start productive yourself now!




What’s new:
General improvements in functionality and performance

Cache updates




What’s new:
General improvements in functionality and performance

Improved loading speed and performance velocity


Fixed some background bugs


Version: 2021.3.24.940


What’s new:
General improvements in functionality and performance

Improved loading speed and performance velocity


Fixed some background bugs


Version: 2021.3.16.2047


What’s new:
General improvements in functionality and performance

Improved loading speed and performance velocity


Fixed adding txt files with for some languages

Version: 2018.8.22.1218

What’s new
New offline mode: now users are able to use the app offline and listen to their articles without having to connect to wi-fi or data.
New pre-load functionality for immediate access to your files.
Unlimited number of articles can be added to your field.

General improvements of performance and extension stability
General improvements of the UI
General pre-load mechanism improvement
Playback rate velocity improvement

Fixed bug of one element in the field during initial extension usage
Fixed bug with buttons UI
Fixed list of articles limitations for the player field

Version: 2018.8.22.1218
What’s new
New functionality and improved UX.
Offline voice pre-load
General improvements in speed and performance

Offline voice pre-load increases play speed and player velocity

Speed and new voices modification

Version: 2018.8.20.1152

What’s new

-New functionality and improved UX.
-Voice choice and customization options added
-General improvements in speed and performance


-Improved settings: language, voice and breathing choice
-Voice choice for your flawless listening experience
-Optional breathing, to maximally humanize a voice
-Improved languages and intonations
-Improved usability
-Improved loading speed and performance velocity


-Fixed bug with player load and user authentication


Version: 2018.8.7.1113


What’s new

General improvements in functionality, speed and performance


Improved languages and intonations

Improved usability

Improved loading speed and performance velocity



Fixed speed of player load, which increases usability and usage comfort

Version: 2018.7.4.2003
What’s new

General improvements in functionality and performance


Improved languages and intonations

Improved usability



Fixed pop-up for better interface usability.

Version: 2018.6.26.1634

What’s new
Improved velocity and language performance.
General improvement of languages and intonations


Improved text and language detection.
Improved language performance on various locales.



Fixed bug with incorrect text detection of unsupported locales
Fixed authentication bug. Rarely users could face a bug during authentication process. This was connected with the error on server replace function. Now this bug is fixed.

Version: 2018.6.25.1601
What’s new
Improved languages’ response and general performance


Improved languages and intonations.
Improved listening experience for various languages and systems with different language configurations


Fixed bug with incorrect interpretation of different languages names.
Now the app automatically configures the language of the browser and system, regardless the letter code or naming.

Version: 2018.6.21.1915
What’s new
General improvements in functionality and performance


Improved languages and intonations.
Improved listening experience for Portuguese language.


Fixed bug with Portuguese language.
Now users from Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Gunea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Sao Tome E Principe will not face any problems with listening to the content in Portuguese language.


Version: 2018.6.12.031
What’s new
Updated Privacy Policy and GDPR terms to give our users better understanding and control of their personal data. New subscription plans. Speed range extended for better accessibility.

Improved text detection on major websites

Expanded web pages’ database for better listening experience

Improved error and bug report which let the development team react to error reports fast and fix bugs effectively. Our users will get better user experience with less bugs and system errors.

New speed range lets information over the internet become more accessible to people who experience difficulties with seeing and reading web content.
Fixed text detection for www.habr.com
Fixed bug with looped animation when unauthorized user adds a link to the feed


Вик Волчик (Magnapony)
Вик Волчик (Magnapony)

Расширение устарело. Возможно это мои придирки, но есть много неудобств, которые лучше было бы исправить. Например, при смене озвучки старый текст уже нельзя воспроизводить. Сначала ставишь озвучку, а потом уже добавляешь текст. Это неудобно. Хотелось бы все озвучки прослушать. Это было во первых, а во вторых, нет выбора места воспроизведения текста. Даже начать сначала нельзя. Это неприятно, когда текст выделен крупный. В третьих, интерфейс очень неудобный. Боковое меню вызывается, а скрытие только нажатием на пустое поле. Проблема в том, что справа не пустое поле, а список текста, который задевается по нажатию. Кнопка закрытия меню не помешала бы. В четвёртых, нельзя добавить свой текст из буфера обмена. Такой функции нет. В пятых, я не могу воспроизвести все старые тексты. Я не понимаю как это работает. Зачем синхронизация с аккаунтом, если список мёртвый? Он текст потерял или доступ к сайтам с которых он был взят? А если сайт закрыт или я беру текст из мимолётного сообщения в чате? Было у меня расширение одно, онлайн блокнот. Там текст в гугл диске успешно сохранялся. Здесь бы эта функция не помешала. Ну а дальше я свои хотелки пропишу. Не хватает тёмной темы расширению. И более детальный шаг у скорости воспроизведения. Как на ютубе. Список языков для озвучки в настройках нужен адаптивный. Чтобы русская озвучка стояла первой. Само расширение же на русском. Ну и неизвестно, будет ли разработчик обновлять своё расширение. Ибо гугл обещал удалить все со старым манифестом. Посмотрим. Две звезды ставлю, потому что раньше мне его функционала было достаточно.


механический голос

Kumba Bona
Kumba Bona

Did not recognize the text on Coursera.com and as a person who is starting to believe that I have a learning disability, I am really needing to find a TTS function with various voice selections to keep me engaged in learning. Things that I wish I knew before having children LOL

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