A free/libre and open-source (FLOSS) podcast aggregator for Chrome
I tried a ton of podcasting apps and extensions before settling on this one. It has a simple and intuitive interface that does all the basics that I need it to do. I can easily subscribe to podcasts and it notifies me when there are new episodes available. It auto-plays the next episode in the list, which is convenient while I'm working to just keep things rolling along in the background. If you're looking for an easy-to-use podcasting extension with a good feature set I would highly recommend this one.
Keeping in mind the app is a work in progress and the author keeps asking people how to make it better; When I make a playlist the list won't start automatically and when I manually start my playlist the podcasts won't automatically advance to the next podcast(s). When I review the "Latest Episodes" list episodes I've already listened to aren't indicated or even removed entirely and there is no way for me to manually indicate which episodes I have listened to or remove them from the Episodes list so I don't have to wonder if I've already listened to them.
Have just received the notification about possible disruption to the PodStation service. Please (!) continue your work to revive it if this happens, PodStation has been the best podcast 'app' I've tried and come across. Best wishes.
Fabian Schultz
Steve M. Romain
Smart Software