Global Database Extension

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Global Database Extension

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Transform your web browser into a powerful business intelligence tool with the Global Database Web Browser Extension.

Gain instant access to a wealth of company information, directly within your browser, and streamline your research, sales prospecting, and decision-making processes.

Key Features

- Check Company Activity Status: Verify a company's registration number, VAT, and tax ID to ensure they are legitimate and active.
- Access 20 Years of Financials: Dive into detailed financial data to assess a company's stability and growth potential.
- View Shareholder & Group Structure: Understand a company's ownership structure and subsidiaries for a complete picture of their business network.
- Get Credit Scores & Limits: Quickly assess the financial health and creditworthiness of any company.
- Find contact data for key executives: View and filter top executives, and access their contact information, such as email and phone numbers for seamless outreach.
- Send Emails & Automate Sequences: Streamline your email marketing with personalized and automated communication flows.

Works Seamlessly With:

- Any Website: Get instant company insights while browsing the web.
- LinkedIn: Access detailed company data directly on LinkedIn profiles and company pages.

Who It's For:

- Sales & Marketing: Identify, qualify, and connect with leads faster.
- Investors & Analysts: Conduct thorough due diligence and make informed investment decisions.
- Business Owners: Research potential partners, suppliers, and competitors.
- Anyone Curious: Gain a deeper understanding of the companies you encounter online.

Download the Global Database extension for free today and unlock the power of global company data.