Find Emails + Cell Phone Numbers in Seconds

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Find Emails + Cell Phone Numbers in Seconds

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Swordfish AI – Cell Phone Number and Email Address Finder Tool

Find Cell Phone Numbers and Email Addresses in seconds with Swordfish AI

Get mobile phone numbers & personals emails matched to LinkedIn and other social media sites around the web!

Trusted by over 50,000+ sales and recruitment professionals

✔ Find Personal and Business Contact Information

📲 Cell phone numbers→
📞 Direct dials→
📩 Personal Email addresses→
📨 Business Email addresses→

✔️ Hit your revenue goals - built for recruiters and sales professionals

The “Swordfish AI – Cell Phone and Email Finder Tool” allows you to find cell phone numbers, business email addresses & personal email addresses from social profiles.

✔️ Who Uses Swordfish AI?

Are you or your Sales Team looking to accelerate your Sales Prospecting and Lead Generation efforts to target Decision Makers to sell to in 2024 and beyond?

Are you an Employer, Recruiter, Talent Acquisition, or Corporate Recruiting professional needing to recruit and hire talented top performers in 2024?

Then, the “Swordfish AI – Cell Phone and Email Finder Tool” is for you.

✔️ B2C and B2B Database Provides Accurate Contact Information

Whether you are looking for B2C (business-to-consumer) or B2B (business-to-business) contact information, Swordfish AI provides fresh and accurate:

Swordfish AI’s secret sauce is that we connect to over 200x network partners to bring you updated and accurate contact information in real time. No static, outdated databases.

An effective tool to find and contact your sales prospects or recruiting candidates today!

✔️ Easily Find Direct Dials and Contact Information on Any of These Social Media Platforms

The Google Chrome Extension / Plugin works to help you find contact info from the social profiles of professionals on social media sites around the web!

✔️ Find cell phone numbers on LinkedIn
✔️ Find email addresses on LinkedIn
Land on any LinkedIn profile and instantly get any professional’s contact information in seconds. All you need to do is use the Swordfish Chrome extension.

✔️ (Formerly Twitter)
Visit any X account profile URL and click on the Swordfish AI extension. Get direct contact info in seconds.

✔️ Facebook Profiles and Facebook Groups
Go to any user’s Facebook profile and click the Swordfish AI extension on your Chrome browser. You’ll instantly get direct contact info.

✔️ GitHub and Stack Overflow
Getting in touch with Developers has never been easier. Swordfish AI works seamlessly on Github & Stack Overflow. Get the personal contact info of developers instantly using the Swordfish AI extension on Chrome.

✔️ Google and Bing Searches
The next time you're doing an X-ray search for LinkedIn profiles on Google or Bing, The Swordfish AI Chrome extension will help you find contact info without having to leave the search engine.

✔️ Data Enrichment of Your Outdated Database
Add missing phone numbers and emails to your lists in bulk. Upload incomplete lists via our Bulk Upload Tool with a .csv spreadsheet, and Swordfish AI will automatically fill up missing data (emails & phone numbers) within minutes!

Spend more time selling and less time sourcing!

✔️ Customer Support
[email protected]

*Swordfish is not endorsed by any of the social profiles it covers.
By using Swordfish, you agree to the Swordfish terms and conditions.
For more info visit privacy policy ->
California residents ->
Nevada residents ->



Afzal meman
Afzal meman

Worst company ! just because employee of the company is too less they decided not offer services

Sarah Simmons
Sarah Simmons

Great company, great cell phone numbers.

Bila C
Bila C

Super happy to leave here a review here, Swordfish itself has won me about 4-5 deals since I signed with you guys in November. Appreciate all the help, Drew :)

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