Keyword Rank Counter

#4.83 / 6 rate

Keyword Rank Counter

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This is an Extension Made by Webvoom Team. With the help of this tool, User can know the exact position of keywords

Keyword Rank Counter is an Official Extensions Made by Webvoom Team. With the help of this tool, User can know the exact position of keywords.
This Tools this Made for SEO Agency & SEO Experts. This Tool is Very Helpful for Finding Exact Rank of Keywords in Top 100.

Looking to display the ranking number of a website on the Google search results page? This extension is for you!

Step For Use This Extension-

Step 1- Download This Extension in Google Chrome
Step 2- Reload Page , its automatically Show the Ranking Position

Step to View Keywords Rank in Top 100
Step 1- Go to
Step 2- Go to Setting Tab (Right Hand Bottom Position)
Step 3- Go to Search Setting
Step 4- Result Per Page Change in to 100

Now You can find your Keywords Position in Top 100

For any Doubt & More Digital Marketing Tricks Visit Our YouTube Channel - webvoom . Where We Explains How to Use Our Extension and Many More Interesting Tricks
I hope you like it, and please review it if you're happy with it!
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