SEO Pro Extension

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SEO Pro Extension

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Are you ready to save at least 5 hours/week on daily SEO checks? If your answer is yes, then SEO Pro is exactly what you need.…

Are you ready to save at least 5 hours/week on daily SEO checks?

If your answer is yes, then SEO Pro is exactly what you need.

SEO Pro helps you get all the necessary information about a website page at a glance.

Here are 11 examples of what you can do with this free extension in under 3 seconds:

1️⃣ See all main page information at a glance, including:

✅ Title tag
✅ Meta description
✅ Canonical URL
✅ Meta robots
✅ Core Web Vitals (Field data)
✅ Word count on the page

2️⃣Export all page copy in just 1 click

3️⃣ Instantly check Core Web Vitals metrics for a page

The SEO Pro extension shows the Core Web Vitals:

• LCP (Largest Contentful Paint)
• INP (Interaction to Next Paint)
• CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift)

4️⃣ Quickly spot indexing or canonicalization issues

The SEO Pro extension will show you hints when the page you’re looking at:

• Has meta-robots set to ‘noindex’
• Has the canonical tag pointing to a different page

5️⃣ Easily analyze the headings hierarchy of any page

It’s handy when you want to see how many H1s the page is using. Or when you want to spot any heading opportunities your competitors are using.

💡 You can also export all the headings found on a page in a CSV with just 1 click!

6️⃣ See status codes and redirect chains at a glance

💪 Pro tip: You can also check if the most common duplicates – like http/https and www/non-www – are handled properly on the website you’re analyzing.

7️⃣Get the number of links on a page, their type and anchor text


- Internal links
- External links
- Anchor text for each of these links

💪 Pro tip: Export the links and their anchor text for further analysis

8️⃣ Highlight nofollow links on a page

You can easily see nofollow links on any page with the SEO Pro extension.

9️⃣ Spot missing images Alt tags

On the Images tab of the SEO Pro extension, you can easily see the alt tags of the images on a page.

It will help you quickly spot the images that are missing alt tags.

💪 Pro tip: Export all images along with their dimensions in a CSV in 1 click for further analysis.

🔟 See what a page preview will look like when shared on social media

No need to look for Open graph tags in the source code anymore! The SEO pro extension will show you the preview image, website, title and description of any page so that you can make sure it looks great when you share it online.

1️⃣ 1️⃣ Check schema markup

SEO Pro extension makes it easy for you to check all types of Schema markup so that you don’t need to open the Rich Snippets tool and wait minutes for it to show the results.

Just check out the Schema tab.