Quokka: monitor webpage data in one place

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Quokka: monitor webpage data in one place

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Monitoring data on most webpages only takes a few clicks away.

If you have a long list of websites that you need to monitor frequently, and all you need to watch on is a single number on each page, then Quokka is the tool you're looking for.

Quokka helps to automate the repetitive work. You can easily organize all your number of interests in one place. Quokka captures all your data at the client-side, therefore it is totally safe to use Quokka to capture data even from password-protected webpages. Quokka will NOT and does NOT need to access or store your password or any type of access token in any mean.

Until you login with a google id, all of your captured data will be stored in the client-side (the local storage) as well. Quokka server will NOT store any of your personal data, and will NOT track user behaviors on the user basis. As long as your machine is capable, numbers of data you can store is unlimited.

For advanced usage, such as to monitor data in multiple devices, data backup, data visualization, and more advanced notifications (and more to come!), you will be asked to login with an account.

A very simple benchmark: It takes about 3 -- 4 minutes to capture views of 30 different youtube videos.