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Manage your browser tabs in groups and archives.

Tabit helps you manage your chrome tabs. It provides a clean UI for tab management and organizes browser tabs under named groups for various usage (e.g., Dev, Latest, Some Project, Regular Visits). By saving opened browser tabs in a named group you can reopen them later quickly, and thus you may close those opened tabs to reduce browser memory. You need not worry about closing the browser mistakenly.

More ways to save tabs. You can save all opened browser tabs to a new group on Tabit Page, and you can also do it for the active tab or multiple selected tabs in the browser window to a specific group with the extension popup window.

Home and Archive. There are two workspaces on Tabit. One is the Home page for regular or daily use of tab groups, and the other is the archive page with tab groups for future use. Home page displays tab groups in card view and supports dragging groups and tabs as you like. You can save the latest working or most used browser tabs in a group and archive or delete them to make your home page clean.

Searching for tabs. By clicking the top search icon you can search browser tabs. Besides, Tabit provides a group box to manage groups, with which you can filter and select groups you want to display. On the group box, you can merge, archive and delete them in batch.

Export and import of tab data. On Tabit you can export all the tab data to a JSON file and import it later.

Now tabit supports dark mode relying on the operating system preference. Set your operating system to dark theme to activate it.


Lennon Fontenelle
Lennon Fontenelle

Thank you by this special tool for our browser. I'd like to ask you for a manual setting for dark and light theme, because my Tabit is not getting into dark by itself, even if my system setting is dark theme. That new feature will helpe-me a lot. Kind Regards!


Simple, lightweight, has all the needed functions. I tried all the tab and session managers in chrome store and I can say it's among the best ones. Other extensions always lacked some functionality like dragging or selection of multiple tabs or had some useless ones that made them bloated and heavy. I already started wondering to make the tab manager extension myself since 99% didn't suit my needs. I really liked the similar app called Patizion but it's subscription based which I hate. All in all amazing simple extension, which is better than 99% of other tab managers.

Константин Балащук
Константин Балащук

Очень долго подбирал плагин наподобие Simple Tab Groups у Firefox. Tabit это изумительная находка — выглядит просто, удобно, функционально, лаконично. Пожалуйста, продолжайте поддерживать и развивать это расширение! Looks great, good job!

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