Podawaa - Get more Engagement on LinkedIn

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Podawaa - Get more Engagement on LinkedIn

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Get thousands of likes and comments on LinkedIn thanks to the best LinkedIn Engagement Pod.

Podawaa is a smart and automated LinkedIn pod that allows you to get thousands of qualified views on your LinkedIn posts enabling you to reach a much bigger audience.

If you want to promote a product or service or make yourself visible on LinkedIn without spending a dime on ads, Podawaa is the perfect tool

โ“ How does it work?

1. Install Podawaa Chrome Extension
2. Create a pod and invite people or join an existing pod
3. Schedule your post and the associated comments and likes
4. Your post will be published on LinkedIn and other members of the pod will like and comment your post, all in an automated way

๐Ÿ”ฅ What does it allow?

โœ… Schedule your post in advance or use an existing one

โœ… Manage your engagement (likes and pre-determined comments) before posting

โœ… Build lists of comments that you can reuse

โœ… Create real conversation in the comment section by using the "reply to comment" feature

โœ… Create private or public pods and choose to accept people manually or automatically and to allow likes or comment only

โœ… Search and join public pods based on tags and settings

๐Ÿš€ What's coming next?

๐Ÿ”œ Custom audience: allows you to target a specific persona by choosing who will comment or like your posts

๐Ÿ”œ 1st comment feature: write a comment that will automatically be added on your post with your account (to put an external link for example)

๐Ÿ”œ Smart comments recommendations based on your preferences, language, and comments used by the community, thanks to a machine learning-based algorithm

๐Ÿ”œ Dashboard and monitoring

๐Ÿ”œ Manual pod

๐Ÿ”œ Post writing guidelines

๐Ÿ“‹ How do we manage your data?

In order to use Podawaa, you need to login to your LinkedIn account so that we can use your LinkedIn cookie to perform automated tasks on your behalf.

Here are the following tasks that can be performed on your behalf when you install Podawaa:

1. Like and comment from your profile on other peopleโ€™s posts (ONLY if you are in the same pod)
2. Extract the number of views, likes and comments