History Trends Unlimited

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History Trends Unlimited

Extension Information

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Search and analyze your unlimited history.

History Trends Unlimited regularly syncs your history to a local database to work around the (approximate) 3-month time limit imposed by Chrome. Your history is saved locally; it's never shared or sent over the network.

* Interactive charts and stats. Click any of the bar/line/pie charts to filter by a value.
* Search your history by keyword. Or browse it chronologically.
* Access the raw data to perform your own analysis. Click the "Export These Results" link on the Trends or Search page.
* Transfer your history to a new computer. See instructions on the Options page.

* This extension now requires a minimum of Chrome v109.
* Uninstalling this extension will delete all of the history it has saved. To create a backup of your history, use the "Export History" button on the Options page.
* This extension stores your history separate from Chrome's history, which means 1) clearing Chrome's history will not delete your history in this extension, and 2) this extension will not preserve the color of links you have already visited.