How it works
Once you've installed the extension, log in to Student Center to activate it. You will see that some professors' names are highlighted in green, which indicates that they have existing Polyratings data. Hovering over any highlighted name will trigger a popup that displays an overview of the corresponding professor's ratings, as well as a button to visit that professor's Polyratings page, where you can read full reviews.
If you're viewing classes on Schedule Builder: hovering over a highlighted name on an unexpanded dropdown will not trigger a popup — the green highlight is only meant to prompt you to expand the dropdown, which will then allow you to view all the professors and their corresponding popups.
Other notes
This extension is in active development. If you encounter any issues, please let us know by emailing us at
[email protected] or submitting feedback through this Google Form: https://forms.gle/BE3mTCXdY2LNYvLB6.