LinkedIn Email Finder by Wiza

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LinkedIn Email Finder by Wiza

70,000 users


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Description | Prospect, Verify, Reach Out

Find real-time verified email addresses on LinkedIn for free.

Wiza’s free LinkedIn email finder allows you to view accurate work and personal email addresses in seconds while on LinkedIn profiles.

✔ Find emails on LinkedIn profiles

Using the Wiza LinkedIn email finder, you’ll be able to pull up real-time verified email addresses (both business and personal) on any LinkedIn profile that you view—in a matter of seconds.

✔ Bulk export leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator and LinkedIn Recruiter

Wiza’s LinkedIn email finder enables you to export your searches and saved lead lists in LinkedIn Sales Navigator with real-time verified email addresses (and phone numbers).

✔ Save emails found on LinkedIn to lists and export to CSV

Download your saved lists and exports to CSV in a single click, including contact name, employer, job title, email addresses, phone numbers, and 30+ other data points.

✔ Sync emails directly to your CRM and sales tools in one click

Connect Wiza to your CRM (HubSpot, Salesforce, and more) and then instantly sync contacts with email addresses to your platform with one click.

✔ Our LinkedIn email finder is trusted by 50,000+ users including:

Sales teams to prospect and build pipeline
Founders to find their first and next customers
Agency owners to perform lead generation for clients
Marketers to reach out about collaboration and link builder
Recruiters to source candidates and acquire talent

Join Wiza today and get 25 free credits every month:

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