Disable YouTube Watch Later Autoplay

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Disable YouTube Watch Later Autoplay

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Watch individual videos that you saved for later without autoplaying all of them.

This browser extension disables the Watch Later autoplay behavior when selecting a video from the Watch Later list.

The YouTube Watch Later feature lets users save a video to watch at a later time. When selecting a video from the Watch Later list YouTube will then always autoplay every subsequent video from the list. This happens because YouTube treats the Watch Later list just like any other playlist and there is no way to disable autoplay when viewing videos in a playlist.

Once installed, the extension works automatically. When you click on a video on the Watch Later list the extension will remove the playlist parameters from the video URL, allowing you to watch the video or copy the URL without the default autoplaying playlist behavior.


Humberto Hernandez (HZero)
Humberto Hernandez (HZero)

Es increíble que YouTube DAÑA (por poner una palabra bonita) algo en el funcionamiento de la web, y tengo que recurrir a una extensión para arreglarlo. Funciona tal cual dice el nombre. Ni mas, ni menos. Hace su trabajo. Es una manía la de estar conectado. ¿Termina un video? Anda, toma otro, no respires, no pienses.... consume (y yo solo quiero verme un video de mi Watch Later)

Mikhail Molodozhenov (Mishamol)
Mikhail Molodozhenov (Mishamol)

Очень удобно, когда хочешь посмотреть только одно видео. Я пользуюсь функцией "Удалить просмотренные" и поэтому мне нужно, чтобы лишние видео не были отмечены просмотренными

Felina Faerlaingal
Felina Faerlaingal

Was working well a few days ago, but stopped working now. I'm not sure if it's a youtube update, or a browser update that did it.

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