VSP for youtube

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VSP for youtube

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Virtual Audio Speaker for youtube

Virtual Audio Speakers System for youtube / youtube music

Using headphones or earphones, you feel the sound comes from just close to your ears or from the center of the head. It's quite different from the sound in the audio room with speakers. This extension converts youtube music to 3-D spacial sound and plays in natural audio space with headphones ( or earphones).
You can listen Youtube music in back-ground or Picture-in-Picture mode.

See also https://virtualsp.github.io/VSHome/ to playback local music files
( flac,mp3,wav,...)

[NEW!] Updated Feb.2024

1. Go to the your favorite youtube site, click VSP extension icon.
2. 3D virtual speakers view will appear when connected youtube audio
then Click the CheckBox.
3. Moving the position of the speakers, you can enjoy your favorite youtube music with suitable spatial sound just like you.

The function of each slider are as follows.
x : distance between the speakers
y/z: height / depth of the speakers

This extention requires a PC supported WebAudio.