CRM and Inbox for LinkedIn

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CRM and Inbox for LinkedIn

9,000 users


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Your professional relationships' CRM built for teams & creators.

Unlock the full potential of your Professional Network with LeadDelta CRM.

Your professional relationships' CRM built for sales pros, recruiters, digital creators, marketers, and CEOs. LeadDelta is managing business connections for over 20,000 professionals.

In a nutshell, LeadDelta helps you become proactive about your most valuable asset – your relationships.

🗂️ Centralize all your professional contacts in a lightweight CRM
📥 Organize your messy Inbox and never miss opportunities
⬇️ Export and bulk remove your connections
🏷 Filter, sort & tag (label), your connections
🗝 Unlock data & signals from your network
📧 Send personalized messages at scale
✅ Create Tasks & Reminders
🤝 Collaborate with your team
⚡️ Build workflows

No distractions. No ads.

Why choose LeadDelta?

Here’s our story...

LeadDelta was founded in Toronto 🍁 Canada in 2020. Since then...
🎉 We shipped over 300 features & updates
🎉 Have 15,000+ satisfied users
🎉 Have an average rating of 4.9 out of 5
🎉 Awarded #1 SaaS of 2022 by Product Hunt

LeadDelta’s key features at a glance:

➼ Connections Manager
• Beautifully designed, CRM view of your entire professional network
• Create & manage custom tags (labels), and assign them to connections
• Filter groups of people that match your criteria with 15+ data points
• New data points: # of followers, last messaged, languages, birth dates and more...
• Apply custom notes with 1 click...

➼ LeadDelta Sidebar
• Apply Tags and Notes while researching connections
• Get important information about connections while on their LinkedIn profile
• Go beyond your network and import connections into LeadDelta
• Manage connections outside of your network with Tags, Notes, and Filters
• View company employees at a glance while on company pages
• Utilize LeadDelta filters in your search to find exactly who you’re looking for

➼ LeadDelta Inbox
• List your most important social conversations without ads and distractions
• Sidebar with notes/tags and important intel about a connection
• Apply and filter tags to focus only on relevant conversations
• Pin/Unpin 📌 and Star ⭐ your most important conversations
• Create/Save/Reuse message templates

➼ + More
• Group follow & unfollow: clean up your feeds
• 1-Click data export of filtered connection data into a. CSV file
• Integrations: Zapier, HubSpot, LinkedIn, OpenAI

🚀 NEW: LeadDelta AI Prospector + LeadDelta AI Sparkle
– Expand your network with AI-generated contact lists
– Connect with people outside your networking circle
– Your personal AI writer, translator, and spellchecker
– Create messages that resonate with your tone
– Become the Shakespeare of DMs

🚀 NEW: LeadDelta Workspaces
– Centralize your entire team’s network
– Collaborate, search, take notes, and grow together
– Manage your team’s tasks and output

🚀 NEW: LeadDelta CSV Import
– Centralize your network no matter the platform
– Enhance your contacts with custom data
– Manage your sales, marketing, and recruiting leads

🚀 NEW: LeadDelta Tasks & Reminders
– A dedicated to-do list for your networking activities
– Create tasks linked to your contacts
– Get regular reminders to follow up

🚀 NEW: LeadDelta HubSpot Integration
– Integrate contacts into your sales workflow
– Import contact data into HubSpot with a click
– Start workflows and campaigns through LeadDelta


📍If you need help by email, just forward it to us at [email protected].
📍Want more networking tips? Follow us on X (Twitter): @LeadDeltaHQ


Laura Barker
Laura Barker

LeadDelta has consistently impressed me over several years. Their service evolves constantly, and they're incredibly responsive to user feedback. Recently, I experienced their exceptional support firsthand. On a Sunday, I encountered an export issue and reached out via chat, expecting a Monday response. To my surprise, the owner, Vedran Rasic, replied immediately, resolving my problem in just three clicks. This level of dedication and efficiency sets LeadDelta apart.

Ben Williams
Ben Williams

Great product helping me get my LI contacts in much better shape. Tools that arguably should be part of LinkedIn!

anon anon
anon anon

Demo is worthless. Find something with a real demo. I am not paying a year subscription to bulk delete, you need a better tiered pricing strategy. asinine

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