WordXPress - WordPress fastest posting tool

#3.18 / 34 rate

WordXPress - WordPress fastest posting tool

1,000 users


Naman / Sélim

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Post very quickly pictures and videos from a web page to your wordPress blog using XML-RPC

-- Updated 19/07/15 to version --

- Corrected a bug with the source button
- Updated the documentation link in the option page

-- Updated 07/06/15 to version 1.2.4 --

- Corrected bug when Youtube API V2 does not work

-- Updated 02/06/15 to version 1.2.3 --

- Many bug corrections
- youtube, dailymotion, vimeo detection improved
- better scan of the videos and images in the page

-- Updated 31/05/15 to version 1.2.2 --

Postek is a Chrome extension which allows you to post pictures and videos on a wordpress blog very quickly from your browser.

You just have to choose in a dropdown popup which medias you want to insert in your post.

The images and videos are automatically fetched in the current page.

Add a title, a description, some tags, and just click the Post button !


- Find all the images on the page according to the minimum width and height you define
- Find all the Youtube, Vimeo, DailyMotion videos on the page
- Choose wich videos or images you want to include in your post
- Add title, text content and tags to your post
- Use keywords to add source page url or other links to your post
- Specify the width to resize the images and videos
- Retrieve the categories from your wordpress blog
- Automatically upload images to your wordpress blog
- Automatically add image or video thumbnail as featured image to your post
- Use only XML RPC to connect and send datas to your wordpress blog


- Postek will wait for the page to complete loading before gathering the images and videos
- Open the dropdown popup by clicking the postek icon in the top menu bar
- Choose a title for your post
- Use the checkboxes to choose the medias you want to insert in your post
- Write a text content to add to your post (You can use [source] keyword to add the source page link to your post)
- Choose a category from the dropdown list
- Add some coma separated tags
- Click on “Post Your Article”
- Wait for the post to be sent
- The popup window will close automatically after 2 seconds.


SenaoRU # Gmail
SenaoRU # Gmail

Works very wonderful.

Bree Jones (Priestess)
Bree Jones (Priestess)

It doesn't save the settings and when you go to the support tab this is the overwhelming complaint and has been for years. Yet it has not been fixed! I'm more disgusted with the developer than the product which is pretty much useless.

Маriаtti Blog
Маriаtti Blog

does not work. even the site does not open

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