UWaterloo Proxy Link

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UWaterloo Proxy Link

37 users



Extension Information

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Automatically append the UWaterloo proxy URL (*.proxy.lib.uwaterloo.ca) to the page you are currently on.

This extension simply appends ".proxy.lib.uwaterloo.ca" to the current URL and redirects you to it, when you push the button. Doing this permits easier access to journal articles that are available through the library, without having to either search for them in the journal database, or append the URL yourself. When you are redirected you will need to sign in with a valid UWaterloo student account. This will redirect any page that you are on to the correct location, but the proxy server will only grant access to those files which are available in the library's database.

If you have any issues with this, please let me know. If your school supports proxy URLs in the same way (where access to content is restricted through a simple URL scheme) and would like to see this adapted, reach out!