Reflect: AI Coach for Meetings

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Reflect: AI Coach for Meetings

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Are your words harmful, helpful or potentially unlawful? Reflect AI lets you know if your communication could land you in hot water…

Are your words harmful, helpful or potentially unlawful? Reflect AI lets you know if your communication could land you in hot water - before you hit send.

Ninety-nine percent of companies face lawsuits stemming from harmful communication, and companies spend a whopping $443 billion annually on litigation costs ($7k annually per employee). Discrimination employment lawsuits have increased by 400 percent over the last two decades.

At the same time Reflect protects you and your company - think of our AI as the “antivirus for human communication” - Reflect affirmatively nudges you and your team toward more confident and impactful communication. You’re going to love our real-time on-screen feedback around litigation detection and communication strengthening.

Reflect Al uses its proprietary library and system of feedback to advance individual and corporate communication, and deliver continuous protection and upskilling for all.

Get Reflect for Gmail for you and your team. Alphy Reflect immediately changes the game for the Legal and HR departments, pairing always-on coaching with Smart Compliance for Communications.