Easy Apply Bots

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Easy Apply Bots

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A chrome extension that makes job applications easy by automating the process of applying to jobs on many sites.

Transform your job application process with Easy Apply Bots! On average, job seekers fill out 100 applications for every interview. With companies using bots to sift through applications, we're here to level the playing field. 🏈

Our extension is a game-changer, answering any text-based or radio question with the intelligence of integrated AI. By remembering your details, Easy Apply Bots seamlessly completes applications on LinkedIn and Indeed, and we're tirelessly expanding to more platforms. Have a favorite you’d like us to tackle next? Visit us at https://easyapplybots.com#support or email [email protected].

How it works:
We’ve compiled a list of commonly asked job application questions. Once you share your details, our bot effortlessly answers all on-page questions with a click! Encounter a new question? No problem! The bot attempts an answer and saves it for your review, ensuring future applications are even smoother.

Access and refine your bot's answers anytime through the main UI in the Chrome side panel—sign in is a breeze with Google OAuth, ensuring your experience is both secure and personalized.

How to Use It; After downloading...

1. Pin the icon for quick access.

2. Sign in -- Open the chrome sidepanel (or just click the extension icon)

3. Change the "Q&A" responses to be your own, and not that of Homer Simpson. His information is prefilled, so you'll be applying as him if you don't change it. 😂 (Apologies! I'll automate this part for you soon so that you can just upload your resume, or provide a link to your linkedin profile.)

4. Go to an application on https://linkedin.com or https://indeed.com and then hit "Fill Form". Wait a few seconds and see the responses.

5. Give the bot about 5 minutes to "learn" about the new questions and remember them.

6. Close & Open the sidebar to refresh the Q&A's, and search for one of the questions you'd like to review.

7. Rinse & Repeat

8. Check your email for updates about us automating MORE & MORE of this process for you! Automatic Applications coming soon.