An extension that will automatically calculate your grades for powerschool and print them on the page next to your letter grade.
I would like to rate this extension 5 stars becuase of the amazing time and effort the devloper has put into this. I am currently in middle school, and recommend this extension to a lot of people. The only thing I care about in middle school is my gpa, not my grades specifically. This extension has helped me alot in terms of time rather than using a gpa calculator on another website or doing it manually. The only problem that happens sometimes is the layout of the powerschool. My layout of powerschool is a bit differenet which I fix using source code of this extension, but the dev should still look in this extension in 2023. - Kush Mittal
HOW DO I USE IT, when I click it on powerschool, it just brings up like the options and manage exstention thing!!! WHAT DO I DO
Works, but the calculation is nowhere near being correct. It runs about 1.2 off.
Jacob Kohn
Julian Weng
Braeden Smith
Eric Zeiberg
Jaeheon Shim