Careerdog - The ultimate job application tool

#5 / 5 rate

Careerdog - The ultimate job application tool

278 users



Extension Information

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This plugin is designed for users of the CareerDog website ( Users primarily follow these steps to use the…

This plugin is designed for users of the CareerDog website ( Users primarily follow these steps to use the plugin:

Users upload their resumes and complete personal information on our website, then install this plugin.
Users go to the webpage where they want to submit their resume and use the floating window of our plugin to automatically fill out the form.
For websites we have already adapted, such as GreenHouse, after enabling the plugin, a small floating window will be automatically generated in the upper right corner. When expanded, users can click on buttons to complete the form filling more accurately.

For websites we have not yet adapted, users can also click on the plugin to manually enable the floating window and then use a script we provide, which does not guarantee reliability, to complete the form filling.