Share Links and Clipboard

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Share Links and Clipboard

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Open Links in another browser or share clipboard between multiple machines using WebSockets

The "Share Links and Clipboard" extension is meant to open web pages or links in another browser privately and securely. The destination browsers could be located on the same machine, or they could be connected to the same WebSocket server over the internet. Also, each member of the network can share the clipboard with another member. It is also possible to use your WSS server on a private network so that the link-sharing is accessible even if the network is not connected to the internet. This is a tool that can be used inside a corporation to transfer data between different peers.

1. Share links and web pages with other members
2. Update the clipboard content of any members
3. Can work with both public and private WSS servers
4. Send peer-to-peer files between clients using WebRTC
5. Have a second factor of protection by encrypting the data on the local machine using an SHA-256 passphrase.

Note that this extension can be used to send links between your desktop computer and mobile one. For instance, you can send links from Firefox for Android to Chrome for desktop.