Page Pacer - read faster, stay focused

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Page Pacer - read faster, stay focused

315 users


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Trains you to read faster by setting a pace.

Read Faster and Stay Focused with the Page Pacer! 🧠

How It Works:

1) Select the text you want to read. đź“–
2) Input your desired reading speed (WPM). ⏱️
3) Click "Start Reading" and watch as Page Pacer guides you through the text at a steady, efficient pace. ⚡

Reducing unnecessary eye movements is crucial for improving reading speed because it minimizes the time and effort spent on scanning and refocusing across the text. Typically, your eyes jump around the page, a process known as saccadic movement, which can slow down the overall reading process. By reducing these movements, you can focus more directly on the content, leading to quicker comprehension and less cognitive strain.
Version 1.4 UPDATE:
*Updated Slider UI
*Track your progress!
Version 1.3 UPDATE:
PAGE PACER PRO!!! Highlight any text and read with Page Pacer!

Now compatible with: PDF Files, DOCX Files, PowerPoint .pptx Files, and anything you can highlight!!

Version 1.1.1 UPDATE:

New Features:
* Auto-scroll
* Smooth scroll to top when reading


Akshay Chatterjee
Akshay Chatterjee

In the quiet hours of night, When minds seek solace, words take flight, A tool was born, a gentle guide, To lead us where the wise reside. Page Pacer, swift and true, A gift for those who seek and pursue, The hidden gems in tomes of lore, Unlocking worlds through every door. You dance upon the page’s edge, With every word, a whispered pledge, To speed the journey, ease the strain, And make the reading pure, not vain. No longer trapped by pace of old, Where words would trickle, slow and cold, Now rivers flow, a torrid stream, Of knowledge, thought, and vivid dream. With you, the heavy tome grows light, A feathered friend in darkest night, Each sentence, phrase, and paragraph, A fleeting breath, a soulful laugh. You teach the eyes to swiftly dart, From line to line, from heart to heart, And as we race, we understand, The stories shaped by human hand. The world unfolds in every page, The wisdom of each time and age, No longer bound by limits tight, We soar through day, we dance through night. Page Pacer, you are the key, To worlds beyond what eyes can see, You carve the path, you set the pace, A silent friend in every place. Through you, the past and future meet, The tales of old, the modern beat, No longer do we stumble, slow, You light the way, you help us grow. So here’s to you, our faithful guide, On every page, you’re by our side, In every book, you mark the way, A gentle hand through night and day. For every soul who yearns to learn, For every heart where fires burn, You are the wind beneath the wings, The force that drives, the voice that sings. Oh, Page Pacer, we raise our voice, In heartfelt thanks, in quiet rejoice, For all the worlds you help us see, For every dream you set free. In this vast sea of written word, You are the compass, undeterred, Guiding us through waves so wide, To lands where knowledge does abide. So let us read, and let us soar, With you, we reach each distant shore, And in the pages, find our place, With hearts aflame, with minds in grace. Thank you, friend, for all you do, For bringing life to stories new, In every line, in every trace, We find our light, we find our pace.


saw u on tiktok, this extension is a lifesaver as an engineering student :))

Mattoid Franion
Mattoid Franion

Hey man just for an unique use case sake, would you be able to add to the upgrade of having no bottleneck on wpm for a user to read? I already read past 1000 wpm, so anything like that or beyond I would definitely be grinning ear to ear for. Just also for fun. We can read like Kim Peek and even greater. Like could we go up to 10,000 wpm or more for fun even? Otherwise 5 out of 5 extension. But please let me know, as it is hard to contact you.

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