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Revolutionize browsing with QuickGPT! Get ChatGPT responses directly on any website.

QuickGPT is an AI-powered extension that lets you generate content quickly by simply clicking on any text block on a website.

Here's how to use it:

1. Press CTRL+ALT and click on any text block on any website.
2. Click the prompt buttons appearing beneath the text to receive a response from ChatGPT!

The extension includes preinstalled prompts and also allows you to add custom ones. Here are some ideas:

1. Verify the truthfulness of a text or detect any propaganda/malicious intent, and list pros and cons.
2. Compose a suitable response to a specific content/post/comment.
3. Formulate an attention-grabbing headline from a text's core idea.
4. Condense a text into a tweet (280 characters or less).
5. Turn a text into a brief, amusing story without losing its original context.
6. Draft an inspiring speech based on a text.
7. Write a limerick using a text's main theme.
8. Generate three profound questions from a text to ignite a meaningful conversation.
9. Reinterpret a text to highlight its positive aspects.
10. If a text were a song, create a chorus and verse inspired by it.

Need more prompts? Feel free to ask ChatGPT for suggestions.
(Note: The prompts listed above were generated by ChatGPT)

With QuickGPT, enhance your web browsing experience through interactive and personalized content.