
#3.73 / 82 rate


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Danny Lin

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Capture web pages to local device or backend server for future retrieval, organization, annotation, and editing.

WebScrapBook is a browser extension that captures the web page faithfully with various archive formats and customizable configurations, for future retrieval, organization, annotation, and editing. This project inherits from legacy Firefox add-on ScrapBook X.

1. Capture faithfully: A web page shown in the browser can be captured without losing any subtle detail. Metadata such as source URL and timestamp are also recorded.
2. Customizable capture: WebScrapBook can save selected area in a page, save source page (before processed by scripts), or save page as a bookmark. How to capture images, audio, video, fonts, frames, styles, scripts, etc. are also customizable. A web page can be saved as a folder, a ZIP-based archive file (HTZ or MAFF), or a single HTML file.
3. Page editing: A web page can be highlighted, annotated, or edited before or after a capture.
4. Organizable collections: Captured pages can be organized in the browser sidebar using one or more scrapbooks, and each scrapbooks holds a hierarchical tree structure to organize data items. Notes using HTML or markdown format can also be created and managed. (*)
5. Fulltext searching: Each scrapbook can be further indexed for a rich-feature search (using title, fulltext, comment, source URL, create time, modify time, etc.). (*)
6. Remote access: Captured data can be hosted with a central backend server and be read or edited from other devices. Alternatively, a scrapbook can generate a static site index and be distributed as a static web site. (*)
7. Mobile support: WebScrapBook supports mobile browsers such as Firefox for Android and Kiwi browser. You can capture and edit the web page from a mobile phone or tablet.
8. Legacy ScrapBook support: Scrapbooks created from legacy ScrapBook or ScrapBook X can be converted into WebScrapBook-compliant format for usage. (*)
* All or partial functionality of a starred feature above requires a running collaborating backend server, which can be easily set up using PyWebScrapBook. (*)
* An HTZ or MAFF archive file can be viewed using the built-in archive page viewer, with PyWebScrapBook or other assistant tools, or by opening the index page after unzipping.

See Also:
* For further information and frequently asked questions, visit the documentation wiki: https://github.com/danny0838/webscrapbook/wiki/Intro
* For better discussion, please report an issue to the source repository: https://github.com/danny0838/webscrapbook/issues
* Donate to support us if you find this tool helpful: https://www.paypal.me/danny0838/5usd


Howard Chau
Howard Chau

后端服务器 域名使用非443 端口, 打开网页存档的时候 错误,链接中 不会把端口加进去,以前都不会

Igor Varfolomeev
Igor Varfolomeev

A must-have extension. Few years ago, I kept using old Firefox (with NPAPI plugins) before this extension was ported to Chrome and became mature enough (and now maybe I'll have to block Chrome updates that would break Manifest v2 extensions). The web server backend requires some effort to setup (I imagine this could be a bit tricky for those who are not familiar with Python), but it provides a whole new level of flexibility.

yue gang
yue gang

保存获取数据至: 将获取页面保存于 <默认下载文件夹> 下的剪贴簿文件夹。 剪贴簿文件夹: WebScrapBook/data 只有这种格式配置保存不成功,其他配置可以下载到本地。 Fatal error: Unable to determine target folder name for "WebScrapBook/data/20240731111425821/index.html": Unable to download to the folder. 如何解决呢? mac电脑 chrome

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