Tumblr Savior

#4.24 / 941 rate

Tumblr Savior

50,000 users



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Would you like to control what shows up on your dashboard? Tumblr Savior is here to save you!

Tired of posts about the coronavirus filling up your dashboard? Hate hearing about Trump's latest blunders? If you just want to hide posts about certain topics, Tumblr Savior is here to save you. Just add your most despised terms to the black list and Tumblr Savior will valiantly protect your delicate sensibilities. And if you wonder what got hidden, there’s a handy link to show you.

Latest Version:

v1.16.0 / 2024-05-17
* Updated hiding sponsored posts, now just does `moatContainer`
* Removed the hydration canary in favor of assuming hydration has succeeded the first time the base container is updated
* Apply default values when individual options have not been set yet
* Added a new option to block posts that are `timelineObject`s
* Added a new option to block buttons in the sidebar (Go ad-free today)
* Reorganized the options slightly to separate sidebar from posts

For a full list of release notes go to https://github.com/bjornstar/Tumblr-Savior/releases


Sadie L
Sadie L

I love, love, love this extension, it makes Tumblr so much more usable for me! I am having an issue lately where it isn't automatically hiding posts anymore, though. I'll open up Tumblr or my For You page and see a post with one of the tags I have hidden. If I open my list and click "Save" again, it disappears, but the extension used to hide everything automatically so I never had to see it. Now I see everything. Is there any way to fix? But seriously, thank you for this extension, it's a lifesaver!

Amanda Rose
Amanda Rose

I've used this extension since 2017 and it works wonders but I have to take a star off for a glitch. Whenever I use the most recent version (1.16.0 at the time of writing this), the tumblr dash crashes by automatically loading pages, skipping entire pages, and the scrollbar moves entirely on its own! Tumblr works fine when I delete the extension! I hope the developer solves this problem in the next update, tumblr savior rules.

PAX Karamat Ali
PAX Karamat Ali

I've used this to full satisfaction for years but recently I had the issue that all avatars and usernames etc didn't show up in the reblog chain. After troubleshooting with Tumblr support I managed to fix it by disabling this extension. Hoping I can re-enable it sometime in the future :)

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