Create interactive demos,videos,how-to guides

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Create interactive demos,videos,how-to guides

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Turn your product workflows into interactive demos, self-serve explainer videos and how-to guides. All on a single platform.

With Floik, you can turn your product workflows into amazing self-serve explainer videos, interactive demos, step-by-step guides and more in minutes. You can do all of this & more with purpose built editing tools on a single platform.

Get started for FREE 🙂

Install the chrome extension, capture your workflow and let Floik do the rest. With Floik, showcase how your product is helping solve your prospects and customers problems in 3 simple steps.

⓵ Choose the screen (tab or a window) and start your screen capture
⓶ Customize: Use our edit options & tailor you're output like a pro
⓷ Engage: Share it anywhere on the web, integrate with your CRM and view real-time user insights

Floik enables you in supercharging your product-led-growth and achieving your goals 🎯 faster.

👀 Drive product-qualified leads by giving a sneak peek of your product's aha moment
🏃Steer faster product adoption with visually engaging on-boarding guides
🤩Increase customer satisfaction by answering repeated queries much faster with lesser effort

No more typing or tying screenshots together. Use Floik's all-in-one platform to capture and showcase your product perfectly! 🎉